Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Bullseyeart is back!

This made my day: way back, around the turn of the century, there was a website that hosted awesome Flash cartoons, that were like South Park on steroids. The website was Bullseyeart. They were Adult Swim before Adult Swim existed. Then Bullseyeart disappeared. Today, I uncovered Magic Butter, and found out where Miss Muffy, Space Dog, and Porkchops had been all this time. So if you're jonesing for an entertainment fix while the writers' strike rages on, look no further!

Monday, January 28, 2008

A Most Excellent Blog, feat. Craig Thompson

Comic book artists tend to have the coolest blogs (see Evan Dorkin, Neil Gaiman, Glen Fabry, Michael Zulli, Jill Thompson) and now, add Craig Thompson to the list. Not only is Blankets an awesome book, period, his artwork is so delightful, dreamlike, warm. The brushpen inkwork gets me time after time. Chris Ware may be more technically proficient, but Craig has soul. Needless to say, I'm a fan of all these guys.

Carson Ellis gets props too, she's done artwork for the Decemberists.